“Message from the Representative Director”

 The Vision of the Japan Metaverse Association is “To be a supporter of the Metaverse Business”.

 Metaverse is a three-dimensional virtual space on the Internet, a term coined by combining the words “Meta(transcendence)” and “Universe.” Metaverse has a wide variety of backgrounds and mechanisms, some of which have been supported and developed by many fans and technicians through game contents, while others use blockchain and NFT to conduct economic activities. The former is a field in which Japan excels, while the latter is rapidly expanding overseas and has a perspective by some as leading to Web 3.0. The Association aims to support these various metaverse-related business, in other words, to be a supporter. 

 We have established the following mission to realize our vision. 
·Actively incorporating domestic and international information and providing them to the companies.
·Disseminating members’ businesses and technologies widely to the public.
·Creating synergies through collaboration among members.

 We will hold “Study sessions” to share information and establish “Subcomittees” where members can collaborate through discussions and specialized information to practice these missions. In addition, we will introduce businesses related to metaverse, including those overseas. 

In the future, we intend to make proposals not only for related companies, but also for many people to lead affluent lives that appreciates diversity through Metaverse. Our goal is to become a center of information and ideas on the metaverse in Japan, and to serve as a bridge that connects companies, organizations, and individuals in Japan and abroad.

Japan Metaverse Association

Representative Director

Tomoo Onishi

About the Representative Director

Tomoo Onishi  Ph. D.(Economics) 
B.A. in Economics, Keio University

CEO of FXcoin Ltd. Since Jan. 2018

Working experience: 
Bank of Tokyo (Headquater, Frankfurt branch) 
JP Morgan
Morgan Stanley Securities
Deutsche Bank Group 

As Vice Chairman of the Tokyo Foreign Exchange Market committee until 2017, attended many international conferences representing Japan including the BIS Market Committee and the Global FX committee. Supported the establishment of the market committees at Asian central banks. 

A Director of Japan Virtual and Crypto assets Exchange Association
A member of Japan Society of Monetary Economics 
A member of The Japan Society of International Economics

Author of “The Royal Road to FX Trading-Theories of Foreign Currency Asst Management”
(Nikkei News Paper Publishing Co.,Ltd.)